Holiday cheer doesn’t mean breaking the bank! This week, Emily’s sharing a few ways you can set a doable budget to help you spend more mindfully in this special season—and how to choose where to flex and add a little extra holiday magic in places that matter most  to you. 

*Make gift giving easy on yourself—get her a  Simplified Gift Card!

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A Blessing for Your Week

As you make your way through the holiday season, I hope you find meaningful ways to connect with your people.

I hope the smallest moments bring you joy, like watching your dog frolic in the first snow of the season, or enjoying some hot chocolate with your BFF, or snuggling onto the couch to watch your favorite movie from your childhood with your kids.

And above all, I hope you remember that holidays don’t have to be big, or expensive, or garner a thousand Likes to matter. Because we find meaning when we relish the love and relationship we share in the moment.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

If you have trouble keeping up with how much you’re spending in gifts, you could make life simple and just give your people a certain amount of cash on a gift card. You could choose a favorite local restaurant, a bookstore, or a coffee shop. You could choose a VISA gift card and let them choose how to spend it. You could choose their favorite online retailer, too! Plus, if you have to mail your gifts, a gift card doesn’t use much postage—and an eGift Card doesn’t use any postage at all!

Or, be like your grandparents and send cash in an envelope. That method still holds up.

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