During the holidays, taking care of ourselves often gets put on the back burner so we can take care of all the magic. But as Liz reminds us, there are small ways we can care for ourselves and our emotional wellness that don’t take up too much time or energy. And it’s only when we care for ourselves that we have the capacity to experience the joy and abundance of the season.

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Quick Tips for Emotional Wellness During the Holidays

  • Set Realistic Expectations for Yourself.
    No holiday is perfect—and it’s not meant to be! But through it all, remember to care for yourself.
    • Remember to take breaks
    • Pay attention to your physical and emotional needs
    • Make peace with setting boundaries
    • Keep your body moving—but in a fun way!
  • When It Starts to Feel Like Too Much, Seek Support.
    Talk to friends, a counselor or a therapist about what you’re feeling.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Create New Traditions!
    New traditions bring new life to holidays. So don’t be afraid to shake things up!

A Blessing for Your Week

This holiday season, may you be happy and whole.

May ever single part of you be healthy: your body, your mind, and your spirit.

May you enjoy the wonder and joy of the season

While taking time to enjoy the wonder and joy of YOU.

Because who you are is worth celebrating today, and every day after.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

Give yourself permission to get some good sleep during your holiday break. Sleep is obviously an important part of taking care of yourself, and I want you to give yourself some good sleep over the next few weeks—the best sleep available to you.

Go to bed a little earlier than usual, maybe thirty minutes to an hour. Put your devices away earlier in the evening so you’re tired by the time it’s bedtime. Read a book, play a board game, that kind of thing. Make sure your room is cold, dark, and cozy, and make use of those long nighttime hours we have now. The best sleep is winter sleep, after all.

Get Emily’s New Book!

  • Near in the Night: 100 Evening Meditations on God’s Peace and Rest

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