In 2023, we have two wishes for you: that balance would come to you with ease, and through all your days, your spirit feels the warmth of joy and abundant life. 

In this episode, Emily’s going to take you through three routines—one daily, one weekly, and one monthly—that will bring you back to center and feed your spirit. And why does that matter? Because if your spirit is nourished, then sister, then you’ve got enough kindling to handle whatever comes your way. And no matter what happens, your fire will keep burning. 🔥

3 Routines to Find Balance + Feed Your Spirit

  • Daily: Go for a walk
    (yep, every day—at least 10 minutes)

  • Weekly: Get quiet with your soul for a while
    (yoga, therapy, worship, painting, cooking, meditation—they all help)

  • Monthly: Take yourself on a date!
    (with someone else, with yourself—doesn’t matter. Do something that makes your spirit soar, the way a day on the playground, the pool, or playing at your friend’s house used to make you feel when you were a kid)

Thought-Provoking Quotes

I feel like finding balance in life is like riding a bike—sometimes, depending on the situation, you have to shift your weight back and forth to stay up on the bike. Depending on the season, some areas of your life might need more weight, and time, and attention than others . To be honest, you are shifting your balance on the bike every single day. Even if you aren’t aware of it.” Emily Ley

Caring for yourself in a tender, loving way is some of the greatest work you will ever do for yourself—and for the people around you who love you too. Because nurturing your spirit is something that only you can do. .” Emily Ley

I think a soul that’s alive means that it burns with purpose. It has an inkling of why it’s here. It glows with joy, and love, and peace. It’s resilient enough that it doesn’t go out easily. And like a fire, it needs us to kindle it with more fuel. We have to feed the fire in our souls in order for them to continue to burn.” Emily Ley

This year, I want you to feed your spirit. Because if you want to find balance in your life, it starts with you. It starts from within.” Emily Ley

A Blessing for Your Week

May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

And the rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

Honestly, I’m just going to ask you to start small here. For the next few days, I want you to take ten minutes and walk. Just ten. It doesn’t have to be outside, because if you live in Minnesota, you do not deserve that right now. So go to the gym or the local rec center if you have to—and just walk.

Keeping the goal small might feel silly, but it’s lot easier to make yourself do something when you feel like you can actually complete it. And if you start small, that also means it’s easier to expand that goal when you’re ready to take it to the next level. So just try it: walk for ten minutes and see how you feel.

Get Emily’s New Book!

  • Sure as the Sunrise: 100 Morning Meditations on God’s Mercy and Delight

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