Happy 2023!  As you dive into a fresh new year, Emily’s going to help you tackle one of the biggest clutter magnets in your home: your fridge. And here to help is a Simplified sister (and fellow organization nerd) behind the scenes: our Simplified Podcast producer, Amy Kerr! Emily and Amy share tons of tips for keeping your fridge in tip-top shape, like which organizing tools will help your fridge out,  how to store fresh veggies and herbs so they last a bit longer, the best system for restocking items, some delicious freezers meals, and more. So friend, whether you’re on top of your fridge game or not, this episode’s for you (spoiler alert: in a “grace, not perfection” kind of moment, someone revealed she *may* have something in her fridge from 2018 🫣).

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A Blessing for Your Week

As you start this brand-new year,

I hope you make room only for the things that matter.

I hope you’re able to organize and strategize your way to getting things done, 

But more importantly, I hope you make time for the good stuff.

I hope that laughter and joy, rest and connection come to you in abundance

Because that’s what we need in our days, more than any checked-off to-do list.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

If you need an easy way to remember to use up your leftovers, I think Amy’s “Sharpie and masking tape” solution might work really well for you! 

So here’s what you do: find a Sharpie you’re not using, get a roll of masking tape, and keep it in a drawer by the fridge. That way, when you’re putting away leftovers, it’s super easy to just tear off a small piece of masking tape and write a label that says what the item is, and the date you packed it. That way, when you’re rummaging around the fridge, you’ll know exactly what you’re looking at—and know when it’s time to toss anything you haven’t used.

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