YAY, it’s almost fall! 🍂 As the weather turns cooler, it’s time to put away the flip-flops and floaties and break out all the pumpkins, all the cozy sweaters, and get your home ready for colder temps ahead. Consider this your “get your life ready for fall” checklist! Emily’s dishing out quick and easy tips to get your closets, kitchens, decor, outdoors and more prepped before your schedule gets packed with all the fun fall things (or, for you brave people who live where it snows, before the first flakes come down).

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Your Fall Prep To-Do List

  • Closets
      • Make space for cold-weather clothes with a ruthless declutter
      • Decide how to warm-weather clothes you’re keeping 
      • Get out all your cold-weather clothes, and put them where you can see them
      • Put your accessories in an easy-to-reach place (hats, scarves, gloves)
      • Get out your heavier blankets for chilly nights
  • Kitchen
      • Give it a good scrub: tackle the surfaces, then do a deep clean if you’re feeling fancy
      • If you have extra time, clean the fridge
      • If you have  a lot of extra time, clean out your kitchen cabinets
      • Get out your cold-weather cooking supplies (hint, hint: move your InstantPot and Dutch oven within easy reach for soups and stews!)
      • Bonus points: keep your pantry stocked with s’mores supplies, tea, and hot chocolate for extra cozy nights
  • Indoors
      • Adjust your thermostat to reflect cooler temps (even a couple degrees can put a dent in your electric bill!)
      • If you live in a snowy area, replenish any cold-weather supplies like firewood, heating oil or propane 
      • Check weather stripping around doors and windows to make sure they’re working properly
      • Check batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms
      • Clean your space! Vacuum floors, wipe surfaces, clear spaces of clutter
      • Take down your spring/summer decor and break out all the fun fall stuff! Pumpkins, gourds bats—it’s time to get it out!
  • Outdoors
      • Cover outdoor furniture you won’t use in colder weather, or put it in storage
      • Do some general yard maintenance to get everything under control
      • Clean your gutters. Ask your elderly neighbor if you can clean theirs too.
      • Make your front door cute! Real or faux, go get a wreath and some pumpkins.

    A Blessing for Your Week

    As the days grow shorter, may you find more time for rest and comfort. 

    As the air fills with a crisp chill, may you find the warmth of a cozy home you’ve created with love. 

    And above all, may your cooler season be filled with all your favorites—the rituals, the treats, and the people you love most.

    Simplicity Tip of the Week

    Do you remember that infomercial for Space Bags back in the 90s? The one where you’d watch people stuff clothes and blankets into a plastic bag and use a vacuum hose to suck all the air out? Well, it turns out they actually work!

    If you’re looking to store some out-of-season clothes or blankets and need a little more space to put them away, pick up a few of these puppies. You can always store these bags in the back of your closet or under the bed—and no one will be the wiser. 

    Get Emily’s New Kids Book!

  • You’re Always Enough: And More Than I Hoped For

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