Any shakeup to your routine—whether it’s a new school year, a new job, a big promotion, a birth, a death, a surgery, a divorce, whatever—requires you to pour a lot from your well. And you know what that means? To care for yourself, you need to restore your well with some rest and a heaping dose of grace. Today Emily’s talking about how to navigate seasons of change, whether you’re starting middle school or a brand-new phase of your life. And she reminds us that no matter where we are, we can find belonging and even create it ourselves. Because we’re all going through change, in some form or another, and there’s so much strength in finding safe harbor with other people who have learned, in their own way, how to navigate the waters of change too.

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Thought-Provoking Quotes

There's a reason why God made the world to have seasons. I think that's the way our energy works, too. There are some seasons when everything is clicking right along. Everything is big and bold and vivid. Maybe everything is going well at work and the kids are doing their thing. You and your partner and your friends are enjoying a season of living and laughing together. But sure enough, there will be a day when one of those variables changes a little bit.” Emily Ley 

“It's not being perfect that matters: t's trying that does. Make sure your kids know that so they know they'll be okay when they try something and mess up. You are helping them nurture resilience, which is one of the most important life skills they will ever learn.” Emily Ley 

“One of the things we try to instill in all our kids is not only do they belong, but they can create a sense of belonging for other people too. They can be the kind ones who look for kids who feel left out and invite them to eat lunch or say hi in the hall or play on the playground. They can create their own little circles of belonging with barriers that aren't sealed off walls. They can create circles that let others in. It's important to me that my kids feel safe and confident enough to walk into a room and not be a lone pillar, standing tall, but a strong link in the chain. I want that for you, too.” Emily Ley  

A Blessing for Your Week

When change comes your way, I hope you have the courage to say, “I can do this.” Or better yet, “We can do this.”

When you don’t get everything quite right, I hope you have the grace to say, “I messed up. I’m sorry. I’m going to try again.”

And when the going gets tough, I hope you remember that this is a season. Try your best to lean into it. Either way, a new one will come around again soon.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

One of the best things we’ve ever done as a family has been declaring Friday night to be pizza night from now until forevermore. Seriously. Most Friday nights, you can find the Ley family ordering pizza from a local spot and chilling out together to watch a movie. When the kids were really little, we’d eat pizza on the floor to make it feel a little extra special, like a tiny picnic outing, just to help us transition into the fun of the weekend.

Rituals are signals that help our minds transition from one mode to another. So I’m wondering—is there something simple you can do to make your Friday nights a little more restful? Maybe it’s a “make your own sandwich” bar and a game night. Maybe Friday night is about to be your weekly high school football night, so maybe your ritual is to put your hair up in a ponytail and get out your cute little megaphone earrings and your favorite school T-shirt—and maybe get a big ol’ pickle from the concession stand while you cheer on the hometown team! Whatever you do, mark the transition into the weekend with something you look forward to. You’ll find it channels your energy in a weird way—a good way—so that you can get to your rest a bit more quickly.

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  • You’re Always Enough: And More Than I Hoped For

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