At Simplified, it’s the most wonderful time of the year: it’s Launch Week! We’ve been releasing 2022 Simplified Planners (and a whole lot more!) into the world, and we’re hearing one question from y’all over and over: “How can I use a digital calendar and my Simplified Planner together? Is it even possible?” We’re glad you asked—because it is! Emily’s an expert at using a hybrid planning system to keep track of everything at home and work, and she’ll take you through her easy planning routine step by step. From organizing your work projects to making sure appointments are kept and important dates are celebrated, Emily’s tactical tips will help you cut down on the brain fog and nail down what’s important to tackle this week.

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5 Tips to Win at Using a Paper Planner & Digital Calendar Together:

    1. Keep your work digital calendar up to date.
      This helps your team know when you’re available!
    2. Share a personal digital calendar with your family. This keeps everyone on the same page.
    3. Every Sunday, copy all appointments, important dates, deadlines, and dinner plans into your Simplified Planner. This helps you see how you can use your time best during the week.
    4. Keep your Simplified Planner updated with changes. Life happens, and plans always change. Make sure you record any changes in your SP as they happen (nobody likes a double-booked appointment!).
    5. Use your Simplified Planner to time block and break down tasks each day. 
    6. If you want to be more productive, time blocking is the way to get more out of your day. Setting an intention of what you want to get done, even if you don’t do it all, keeps you more on track.

Thought-Provoking Quotes

It doesn’t matter what age you are: a fresh slate makes us hum with possibility.” 

Emily Ley

Digital calendars give you a big-picture look at your obligations, while your Simplified Planner is great with details. It helps me run my day and get the most productivity out of it.”  Emily Ley

“Having a roadmap of how you could get your list done will keep you more on target than just trying to keep it all in your head.”  Emily Ley

A Blessing for Your Week

May you fill your calendar with the work that matters and people you love. 

May you live each day with the joy that comes from living with intention and purpose. 

And every day may you carve space to care for yourself the way a dear friend would. 

Simplicity Tip of the Week

There are tasks that happen maybe once a month or even seasonally. As you go through and mark important dates in your Simplified Planner, remind yourself to complete these tasks. Think about monthly to-do’s like replacing the air filters in your house, or quarterly tasks like changing the oil in your car, or paying quarterly taxes if you’re an entrepreneur. Then, for a little extra peace of mind, put these dates in your Reminders app. That way, you’ll have two different methods for remembering and executing these tasks. A little redundancy can go a long way.

New Book Alert: Build a Life You Love!

Get Emily’s new book, Growing Boldly: Dare to Build a Life You Love, wherever you buy books!

Resources, Links, Mentions from This Episode

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