Sometimes life can get a little lonely: when we move to a new town, start a new job, go to a new school. But all it takes is one person reaching out to help us feel like we belong—and that sense of belonging has a huge impact at any age. This week, Emily’s talking about how to raise kids who include others, because being an includer is the best way to create a kinder world. And she’s invited a very special guest on the show: her ten-year-old son Brady! Emily and Brady talk about what it was like for Brady to be the new kid at school a few years ago, how he felt when others included him, and how he’s tries to keep an eye out for kids who might feel alone like he once did.
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Thought-Provoking Quotes
“We need every single person, no matter who they are, or what they look like, or how they move through the world.” – Emily Ley
“I remember when I was included. And if I can include other people, it will make them feel the way just like I did. And I know that feels good.” – Brady Ley, on being the new kid at school
“If more people include each other, there'll be more includers. And it's sort of like a positive trait that spreads onto everyone.” – Brady Ley
“Even as a grownup, it makes a difference for someone to include you, because you feel loved. And then you're able to love other people better.” – Emily Ley
“Make your table big enough for everybody. Every single person gets a seat at the table.” – Emily Ley
“It's just so important to be includers and to raise includers. And you know the first place kids learn important things? They learn them from us. They learn them from watching us. So this lesson isn't just for our kids. We need to be includers as grownups, as well.” – Emily Ley
A Blessing for Your Week
Rather than telling, may you show your children the behavior you wish to see in them.
May you see the fruits of your patient labor bear out before your eyes.
And may you and your family know the blessings of widening your circle to include other people, especially the ones who are hurting or who need friends the most.
Simplicity Tip of the Week
Instead of waiting for someone else to reach out to you, think about someone you could reach out to. Is there someone you know who might need a friend? Is there a new neighbor who moved in down the street, or someone new at church? Do you know someone going through a big transition in their life who might need a helping hand or just a cup of coffee and a listening ear? Reach out to that person. Invite them to the Fourth of July barbecue. Ask them to join your knitting circle. You can even take a baby step, and invite them to be your friend on social media to start things out. And start commenting on their posts, showing them that you're engaged in their life. Be an includer. It is a gift for you both.
New Book Alert: Build a Life You Love!
Get Emily’s new book, Growing Boldly: Dare to Build a Life You Love, wherever you buy books!
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