p>Let’s be real: moving isn’t easy. There’s movers to book and utility hookups to schedule, and somehow you have 18 spatulas and no good way to pack them. But believe it or not, there are a few ways you can cut down the chaos. This week, Emily shares 10 tips to make moving a bit easier. From stocking up on clear bins to creating a foolproof plan for moving day, Emily’s ideas will give you a better idea of what you’ve got, how to pack it, and how to get it into your new home so you can settle into your new chapter a little more quickly—and with your sanity intact. 

 Emily’s Top 10 Moving Tips 

  1. Start the process with a ruthless declutter.
    Go through all all the closets and drawers, and figure out what doesn’t need to come with you. If you haven’t worn it or used it in a year? It’s time to say goodbye.

  2. Get some clear storage bins.
    This is super helpful for frequently-used rooms like the kitchen or living room. Seriously, being able to see what’s in your boxes is a game changer.

  3. Start packing early.
    Seriously. If you know you’re moving, start packing now, even if it’s months away. Pack extra linens, holiday decorations, out-of-season clothes, and the “good dishes.”

  4. Schedule utilities, mail, and more for your new address. 
  • Schedule disconnect and reconnect dates for all of your utilities (like electricity, water, and internet)
  • Nail down your new trash/recycling pickup situation
  • Make copies of your new house keys
  • Set up a mail forward with the Post Office
  • Make a list of all the places where you’ll need to change your address (like credit cards and other online accounts) so making the change will be super easy after you move

  • Pack smart.
  • Pack heavy items in small containers.
  • Protect your hanging clothes with garbage bags.
  • Know where all of your cleaning supplies are.

  • Make a moving day plan.
    Put together an hour-by-hour breakdown of who’s doing what—it’s almost like assigning work shifts (hint: this is easy with a Simplified Planner or a Google calendar!).

  • Put together a bag of essential items for each family member.
    Make sure each family member has a bag of clothes and toiletries to get through the first few days post-move. Pack their favorite toys, medications, and snacks—and make sure these bags are easy to grab.

  • Make moving day count.
    Start with your biggest pieces first, then move onto boxes and bags.

  • Prioritize your unpack plan of attack
  • Do the kitchen first. 
  • Next are the kids’ rooms. 
  • Then tackle the rest of the house!

  • Relax into New Normal

Setting up new routines and traditions can be fun, and you may find that doing your “normal” things in a new way can bring more calm to your family.

  • If you’re still waiting for your dining room furniture, have pizza on the floor!
  • If the beds aren’t ready yet, make your first night fun! Roll out sleeping bags or memory foam mattress pads in the living room.
  • Do you have a new commute to work? Try a couple different routes over the next few days, and see which one’s the fastest—and which one goes by the Starbucks.

Thought-Provoking Quotes

No matter where you're coming from or where you're going, moving offers us something we all need every now and again: a fresh start.” – Emily Ley 

 “With a new house comes a new normal, which isn't a bad thing. Setting up new routines and traditions can be really fun, and you might find that doing your normal things in a new way can bring more calm to your family. And as you get settled in your new home, look for opportunities to make the new seem like fun.” – Emily Ley 

 “Take your time to reminisce on what your old space has brought to you, and give yourself the time to look forward to what's next. This will infuse a bit more meaning into your move and maybe even bring you a little joy along the way.” – Emily Ley 

 A Blessing for Your Week

I hope you find the power of positive change as you forge a new path forward. 

I hope you find a bit of calm in the chaos and take time to take care of yourself in the middle of it all. 

And as you take this new season head on, I hope you move toward who you were always meant to be with wild abandon. 

Simplicity Tip of the Week

If you've got a big move coming up or any kind of big goal, set a timeline for yourself. If you're feeling super overwhelmed, sometimes all you need is to see your plan written on paper to help calm your nerves and know that it's doable. Write down your moving date, and work backwards from there, thinking through all the steps we talked about today. Maybe you decide to tackle one part of your house each week leading up to the move. Whatever works best for you, just get it on paper and stick to the plan. Hang that baby on the fridge and as you work, take your time to reminisce on what your old space has brought to you and give yourself the time to look forward to what's next. This will infuse a bit more meaning into your move and maybe even bring you a little joy along the way. 

New Book Alert: Build a Life You Love!

Get Emily’s new book, Growing Boldly: Dare to Build a Life You Love, wherever you buy books!

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