Is it basic to have fall as your favorite season? Yes. Do we care? Absolutely not. This week, Liz and Laura are sharing alllll the things they’ve bought and loved for fall recently: the beauty, the decor, the holiday and winter prep—everything from magical to practical. #PSLforlife

Faves for Fall


Anthropologie Pumpkin Coffee Mug

Fireplace Bats


    Real pumpkins

    Real and Faux Mums (everyday | investment)

    Hanging Ghosts


    Beautycounter Countertime Collection

    Brown Eyeliner


    TIP: If your hands are dry, slather your hands in Aquaphor right before bed, slip on a pair of clean socks, and voilà! Your hands will be softer by morning. 


    Bissell Little Green Multi-Purpose Portable Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner

    Cleaning Solution for Bissell Little Green Multi-Purpose Portable Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner

    HOLIDAY GUEST PREP (it’s never too early)

    Takeout Containers and aluminum foil (for leftovers)


    Charging Station

    Cozy blankets

    TIP: Look for BOGO deals on paper towels, trash bags, handsoaps, tissues, etc.


    *Go through last year’s cold-weather accessories (hats, gloves, snow pants, snow boots, etc). Give away what doesn’t fit and purchase replacements, if needed.

    *Locate your car scraper—or get a new one

    TIP: Dollar stores are a great place to stock up on replacement gloves (which, like socks, tend to wander off in the cold months)

    TIP: Keep a “Prep for Winter” note in your Notes app. Share it with your partner or another adult who lives with you. Add items as you need—and check them off as completed.

    A Blessing for Your Week

    When the sun sets a little earlier, may you find more time for rest.

    As the crisp wind carries colorful leaves on the breeze, may your heart be warmed by the home you created.

    And above all, may the upcoming season be filled with all your favorites—the rituals, the treats, and the people you love most.

    Simplicity Tip of the Week

    Guys, if you could do one thing right now to help yourself later, let it be this: go ahead and restock your spice cabinet with all the spices you’ll need for the upcoming holiday season. If you bake pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving, get you some pumpkin pie spice, or restock your cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves (because let’s be honest: the stuff you used last year isn’t nearly as good as it was last year). If you bake peppermint chocolate cookies at Christmas, go ahead and get some peppermint extract. Taking a quick glance at your pantry and filling your cart, especially online, with any of your fall pantry essentials is going to take a weight off you when the holidays are here before you know it.

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