You can read the baby books, you can ask for advice, but nothing can teach you about being a parent *quite* like living it. In this moving episode, Liz shares about her first few months of new motherhood: the hard, the beautiful, and a few things she's learned along the way. 

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Thought-Provoking Quotes

“It’s normal not to be head over heels in love with your new baby right away — especially if your birth is traumatic.” Liz Holtzman

“You will have baby stuff everywhere. Hi, no one told me this. Your home is going to look like your baby registry threw up everywhere, even if you thought it wouldn’t. And you’ll probably be overwhelmed by the chaos, because now your house looks like your brain feels.” Liz Holtzman

“I wish I could go back to myself in those first few weeks and said to that version of myself who’s trying so hard and is just so tired: it does get better. It gets so much better.” Liz Holtzman

“We seem to learn something new about Bennett or ourselves every single day. For now, I’m just learning to embrace rolling with the punches so that we can enjoy every small moment of growth and joy.” Liz Holtzman

A Blessing for Your Week

These are the beautiful words of poet and artist Morgan Harper Nichols.

So much has changed since last year.

And you are only continuing to heal here

As your heart is being prepared

For all that is to come.

And for anyone who is walking the road I did for so long, through infertility, I leave you with these words from Morgan:

In the longest stretch of waiting she has ever known,

She continues to breath deep,

Holding on to the boundless peace

Where she finds room to keep trusting.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

Ask for help, and let go of the expectations. 

Let go of exactly what you thought these days and these moments would look like. Ignore the people telling you to soak up every single second of every single day—because you probably won't. And that will make you feel a lot of guilt. 

Just take it hour by hour, minute by minute, if you have to. Wash the bottles that need to be washed. Do the laundry that needs to be done. And try to survive. 

It will get better. It will get so much brighter and you will feel like yourself again, I promise you. And if you don't, ask for help. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your partner. Talk to your safety net. There are resources and there are things that you can do. Hang in there. 

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  • Sure as the Sunrise: 100 Morning Meditations on God’s Mercy and Delight


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