It’s always nice to take a break, but sometimes it feels even better to ease back into our regular routine. As we close our Simplifying 2022 series, Emily has a few tips to help you transition from holiday mode back into your regular life. From setting the mood you want in your home to building rest in your schedule, being intentional and compassionate about the way you return to your “real life” will not only feel good—it’ll help you get back on track faster and give you a better launchpad to start your new year. (PS: Happy New Year, friends!)

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4 Routines to Start the New Year on Track

  1. Set the mood in your home. Light candles, add comforting lights, and give yourself the space to refresh and recharge.

  2. Ease back into morning and evening routines. The holiday season throws everyone out of whack, look at your routines and find ways to simplify them as you get back into normal days.

  3. Get back to Sunday prep. Preparing for the week is the best way to ensure you have a good week. Don’t let this step fall through the cracks in 2022.

  4. Schedule rest and fun traditions. Life is busy, that’s why you need to schedule time to eat pizza with your people and lay on the couch. Those times are just as important as any other. 

Thought-Provoking Quotes

Not all joy happens spontaneously. Sometimes you have to make room for it. That's why I build fun traditions and schedule rest into every single week.

Emily Ley 

Here's the thing: when you're building muscle, you can't just keep working it and working it with no breaks. Rest and recovery are part of the process of making a muscle strong and healthy. It's the same with your life, too.” Emily Ley 

 As Mentioned on the Show…

A Blessing for Your Week

May the year ahead bring you days of unstoppable joy. 

May it be a year where you learn and grow and thrive. 

May you lend a helping hand to those who need it. And may you know the light of love—today and every day after.

Simplicity Tip of the Week

Is there some part of your day that doesn’t feel as smooth as it could? Maybe your morning feels frazzled, or it feels like such a struggle to put dinner on the table. Whenever you feel your anxiety bubbling up, make a mental note: it might help to take a closer look at your routine for that part of the day.

When the twins were little, I had the hardest time getting the both of them dressed and out the door in the morning. Finally, I had a realization: I was trying to dress two toddlers at the same time—which was basically impossible because that meant one was always running away and getting distracted! So I decided ot change our routine. I started to get Tyler ready first—clothes, shoes, hair, all of it—then I’d find Caroline and get her ready. Do you know how much time and frustration that new routine saved me? Tons. 

So take a second look at the thing that’s frustrating you. Sometimes the solution is a bit more simple than you think.

Build a Life You Love!

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