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The other day, someone wrote something to me that really stung. On an Instagram post of mine about traveling for a less than 24 hour trip to Chicago for a work meeting, they said “As the woman who created The Simplified Planner, your life sure isn’t simplified.”


At the time, it hurt me, until I really thought through what she was saying. The Simplified Planner is very simple in design, yes. But that wasn’t what she was saying. She was saying my life was complicated – not simplified.


I was alone in the airport, wishing the minutes by so that I could board the plane back to my kiddos. But as I sat and chewed on it, God laid an enormous truth on my heart that I want to share with each of you – in case one of you busy ladies needs a little encouragement today.


Life is never simple. Ever. Whether you’re a stay-at-home-mom, a college student, a mom to ten, a career woman, a new wife, a woman without children, or a single mother – whoever you are – life. is. never. simple. Let me say it again, life is not simple. Laundry for your family isn’t simple. Figuring out how to put food on the table isn’t simple. Paying bills and making ends meet isn’t simple. Raising children isn’t simple. Nurturing marriages and relationships isn’t simple. Pursing your calling isn’t simple. Figuring out your calling isn’t simple. Loving others well isn’t simple. In fact, all those things are crazy complicated. Put all those together and, sisters, life is a circus. 


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)


God makes the choice to hand your burdens and complications and situations and worries over simple. The choice to change your perspective and choose joy is simple. The decision to implement routine and organization in small ways is simple. The choice to choose what matters is simple. Life is so complicated – always – and most of the time, there is little we can do about that. But of the few things we have control over, some of them are simple


Simplified means making these small choices day after day to give and be your best for yourself, your people and your calling. It means clearing clutter, dismissing distractions, and living with intention. It means choosing joy and showing up and leaning in. Sit with that last one – sometimes the simple thing to do when life is crazy (ahem, this happens to me daily) is to lean in. Putting the dishes down is simple. Just going to bed early to give your body rest when you can is simple. Giving up and letting your house be a wreck for a while is simple. Leaning in is sometimes the simplest thing to do when your life isn’t simple. That may not always be easy, but its always worth it. Happy, happy Easter, friends.





PS: Updated to say… since writing this post, I’ve had the most incredible conversations via email with the sweet woman who wrote that comment. She wrote those words from a place of compassion and experience even though they stung a tender spot in my heart. Our exchange is just proof that God works in beautiful ways. xo

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