Show Notes

Simplicity_Graphic Woerner-01-01Hi!! I am Valerie Woerner, owner of Val Marie Paper. I’ve got a husband who makes me laugh like no one else and a 6 month old who has brought me so much joy! Besides creating wedding invitations for some oh-so-wonderful brides and sharing our VMP prayer journal with more amazing women, my mission in life is to inspire women to live a life of peace and joy and to share my journey as I try to find that myself.  (Photo by Catherine Guidry.)


MARGIN & SAYING NO TO WORKSHEET : Can I cheat here and name two things? They go together, I promise!! Simplicity started for me when I read Margin! Emily recommended it a while back and I’m so glad she did! Knowing WHY I want a simple life and how to get it is key to actually making it happen. I created a worksheet to physically write down what I’m not doing, thinking or buying. It’s so freeing.

LIVING PROOF STYLE EXTENDER AND Baking Soda!: A year ago, my twin sister told me she could go a week without her hair getting dirty. The secret is to add a little baking soda to your scalp when the shampoo is in your hair. After my shower, I add some Style Extender and the combo has me washing my hair every five days!! As a new mom, this was a god-sent and major time saver! I could take a 5 minute shower and not worry about the 30 minutes to dry or straighten my hair everyday.

TIMI & LESLIE DIAPER BAG: I really wanted something that did not look like a diaper bag. This was perfect. It comes with a little wristlet for me to keep my cash, cards and Burt’s Bees so I’m not shuffling between bags. It makes life super simple when we are dashing out of the house.

YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS: I’ve only been using essential oils for a few months, but there are so many ways to use them! I wake up and add a little Joy to the diffuser, dab some Frankincense on my skin (keeps skin healthy), put a drop of Thieves under my tongue (for fighting germs), smell a little Peppermint when I have a headache, add a little Lemon to my tea and diffuse Lavender before Vivi goes to sleep. The benefits are crazy, all from my little essential oils kit.

PRAYER JOURNALS: I created these journals out of my own desire to simplify the clutter of my mind when I pray. I’m able to pray for more people when it’s clear in front of me. Prayer is one way to change someone’s life even if I’m unable to physically be their for them!

ILLUME CANDLES: It’s been my mission to think of ways to make someone’s day and Illume candles have helped! I bought several of these candles to keep on hand when I needed a little gift. These candles smell great, are beautiful and double as a vase when they are all burned down!!


Follow along with Val:



Instagram: @valwoerner


THE SIMPLICITY SERIES features busy gals, in different stages of life, making what matters happen and tips and tricks they’ve found to be helpful. Simplicity is about building margin into your life and spending time on and with that which fuels your heart. While we love to share products and services that help us day to day, but simplicity is about HEART and intentionally choosing the thing that matters most (your TREASURE) more than anything money can buy. We wear many hats and we know you do too, so we’d love to hear your thoughts as well! 

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34


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