Show Notes

Simplicity Blog_McKay-01


GUYS! Yay! Meet one of my closest friends, McKay. McKay and I met because our hubbies used to work together. Our boys are best friends (seriously, go look at the hashtag #BeckettAndBrady on Instagram. You’ll cry as hard as I do when I look at it… they’ve been best buddies since birth!) and just six months apart. It’s so great having a creative entrepreneurial momma of a boy toddler friend just miles from my house. Ladies and (a few) gentlemen…. meet McKay! xo, Emily

Hi there! My name is McKay and I’m a wife, mama and CEO of Oatmeal Lace and the Pittman Household in sunny Tampa, Florida. I studied Hospitality Administration at FSU and started out my career managing restaurants for Vail Resorts. Seriously, I would’ve called you crazy if you’d told me five years ago that I’d own my own business, especially one in a creative field! I am so grateful that I stumbled onto this path – my days are spent sourcing textiles (so fun for me) and creating custom bags and accessories for lovely people all over the world, some of whom I’m honored to now call friends.

Simplicity_BlogTemplate-01BOB STROLLER: My workhorse. This stroller has literally been the best purchase we made since we found out we were expecting a baby.  I’ve used it since day one and still use it almost daily now with my 2.5 year old.  If you do any sort of running or walk off pavement it is awesome and can handle pretty much anything. It turns on a dime with one hand and if you are a mom, you know how many times you need that extra hand for something! Also, if you’re ever in the airport, running late for a connecting flight with luggage and a crying baby by yourself, you can hold the baby in one arm and shove your carry on, purse, etc. into the stroller to sprint to your gate…this has happened to me twice now.

LIBRARY CARD: I have always LOVED to read- I distinctly remember bringing home 15-20 books at a time on our weekly library trips as a kid. Now I’m lucky if I can read two sentences before falling asleep at bedtime and sadly, leisurely weekends spent reading don’t exist with a toddler. The solution?  Audiobooks! I utilize the library’s online system to add books I’m interested in to my queue and as soon as they arrive I get a notification and can swing by to pick them up. I love that I can listen to my favorite authors while sewing and cutting fabric and it makes our frequent trips to Tallahassee fly by when we’re in the car.

OLD NAVY FLIP FLOPS: best invention ever for little kids. These have made my daily chore of dressing Beckett much easier.  Trying to put socks and shoes on a wiggly toddler can be next to impossible some days- these slip on easily and stay on. Bonus: for $5 you can get two pair! Thank you Florida weather!

POLAR LOOP/HEART RATE MONITOR:  Exercise keeps me sane. Goals keep me going. The Loop is a fitness band (similar to Nike Fuel, Fit Bit, etc) that can synch to your heart rate monitor and with a light touch will show an accurate read out of steps, activity, calories burned and how close you are to your fitness goal at any point during the day. I like being held accountable to how much activity I really am getting- especially since the majority of my day is spent sitting in front of a sewing machine or computer.  It gives me the motivation to do that extra loop around the neighborhood with Beck if I’m almost to my goal, or helps me feel less guilty about the sleeve of girl scout cookies I ate if I already exceeded it earlier in the day…

GOODY SLIDE PROOF HEADBAND: I have long, fine hair that starts to look greasy way too quickly after I take a shower! Combine that with being a terrible hair stylist and you’ll understand why 95% of the time it is up in a ponytail.  Thanks to post pregnancy hair loss (and my stellar brushing skills) I have lots of wispy, shorter pieces that don’t quite make the ponytail.  These headbands keep them out of my eyes and are the first ones I’ve found that actually stay on my head without sliding off, even through a workout. Hooray!

BEDTIME: Not gonna lie, sometimes getting my child to get ready for bed is super stressful and I am counting the minutes until he is asleep and I am finally relaxing on the couch.  That being said, my mindset going into this part of the day versus how I feel coming out are usually completely different.  No matter how my day went, or our evening has gone, bedtime is a constant.  We say our prayers as a family, Beckett picks out books to read and we settle into our rocking chair. After reading, we rock, sing songs and have ‘quiet time’ before I put him in bed to fall asleep. I love that I get these few precious minutes to just hold him and feel his little body laying against me.  It’s been this way since he was born and I know the time is quickly approaching where he won’t need or want me to rock him before bed (SOB!!!).

Follow along with McKay:


Instagram: @oatmeallace

THE SIMPLICITY SERIES features busy gals, in different stages of life, making what matters happen and tips and tricks they’ve found to be helpful. Simplicity is about building margin into your life and spending time on and with that which fuels your heart. While we love to share products and services that help us day to day, but simplicity is about HEART and intentionally choosing the thing that matters most (your TREASURE) more than anything money can buy. We wear many hats and we know you do too, so we’d love to hear your thoughts as well! 

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34


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